Reports and Reviews for Units, Centers and Institutes

Academic Units

Prior to submitting hiring requests each winter, academic unit heads meet individually with each of the mission leads (associate dean, academic programs and career development; associate dean, research; associate vice president and director, Cooperative Extension). These discussions are summarized and discussed by the Executive Council in February, March and April. Questions and follow-up will be conducted between the Executive Council and unit heads as needed. Every other year, units briefly present their plans and priorities at an ALVSCE Business Retreat to encourage collaboration among units.

Per UHAP Policy 2-225, each academic unit also undergoes an academic program review by the university at least once every seven years. The purpose of the APR is to examine, assess, and strengthen programs. The Office of Academic Affairs provides an APR manual, the current seven-year schedule and sample self-study reports on their Academic Program Review website.

Centers & Institutes

  • College research centers and institutes have periodic reviews before seeking reauthorization.
  • Those university-wide research centers and institutes overseen directly by Research, Innovation and Impact also undertake periodic reviews before seeking reauthorization.
  • RII's guidance for both types of reviews are provided here -

External Reviews

The Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension submits an annual Plan of Work to the US Department of Agriculture covering Cooperative Extension and Experiment Station programs.